Things I Am Thankful For

I am Thankful for Everything!

Being born to two wonderful parents Dan and Donna Leavitt, along with my wonderful brother Jared, and family.

The abundance of opportunity this world presents, and the motivation to pursue it and turn it into something meaningful.

Having a great career in software development.

Being in great health.

Having great drinking water!

Having fresh air!

Thousands of awesome friends on Facebook and social media.

Great coffee!

A world full of music!

Green Superfood

The Sun


My Good friends at American Coaster Enthusiasts!

Writing an awesome ray tracing program!

Building analog synthesizers!

All of the tech gadgets we have today

The Internet and all of the connectivity it enables!

This wonderful Earth!

A Good Night’s Sleep!

Waking up to another great day!

My awesome friends at Bottle Rocket!

Bumper crops of pecans falling from the trees!

The wonderful community at Wealthy Affiliate!

That 2017 is going to be an awesome year!

That there is more to life than Black and White!

Happy Thanksgiving from I Do Passive Income!


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4 thoughts on “Things I Am Thankful For”

  1. Wow man. What a wonderful presentation. I completed reading it in less than a minute but but it took me half an hour to comment while I was trying to digest even in its simplicity.

    I went through it over and over again clicked in back of my head. As the life goes on, every thing we do we need a source of income that sustains us and keep us going and that is what Wealthy Affiliate Teaches us.

    • Hi Jonathan, Thank you! Giving a simple thanks can be a few powerful words. As in mentioned below, it stimulates the mind to reward success, think forward, and not dwell on the negatives.

      Happy Holidays,

      – Oren

  2. Learning to be more thankful and grateful and really feel it is something I’ve really been trying to work on lately. Too often I get caught up in the thinking of what I don’t have rather than appreciating what I already do have in my life.

    This is a fantastic idea to list the things you are thankful for like this on your website. It’s a good move.

    • Hi Darren, Yes, I get caught in those moments of dwelling on “what I don’t have” now and then, too. Writing down what I am grateful to have is helping keep me focused on the positive side of life.

      Happy Holidays,

      – Oren


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