Tribute To Lead The Field By Earl Nightingale

Lead The Field By Earl NightingaleA quick post to give a shoutout to Earl Nightingale’s Lead The Field, one my all time favorite self improvement audio tape series. This was one of the first motivational training audio courses I had purchased, and can never get enough of it.

This was a series of twelve lessons on six cassette tapes by Earl Nightingale, who became known as “The Dean of Self Improvement”, and published by the Nightingale Conant Corporation. The cover appears in the image on the left.

I would listen to a tape every day as commuted in my Silver 1979 Honda Accord to and from work. One lesson, one side on the way to and the other side on the way back. It was always a great way to start and end the day! The length of each lesson was about the length of my commute – a perfect fit.

Lead The Field had planted the seed within me for setting my sights high and pursuing my dreams and ambitions. I was never content with “the way things are”. I wanted to see how it can be made better. To push the envelope and see what can be done.


Twelve Wonderful Lessons

No spoilers here, but here are the titles of the twelve lessons contained within. Want more? Buy a copy!

1. The Magic Word

This one word will determine how the world will treat you in return!

2. Acres of Diamonds

This story just gets me up every morning and keeps me going! Hint: What you’re looking everywhere else for is often sitting right in front of you. 🙂

3. A Worthy Destination

4. Miracle of Your Mind

5. Destiny in the Balance

6. Seed for Achievement

7. It’s Easier to Win

8. How Much Are You Worth?

9. Let’s Talk About Money

10. One Thing You Can’t Hide

11. Today’s Greatest Adventure

12. The Person on the White Horse


Favorite Quotes

One of my favorite quotes from “The Magic Word” is where Nightingale quotes Seneca the Younger’s famous line:Luck is what happens when opportunity meets preparednessand adds to it: ” – and opportunity is always there!”

It’s a gentle reminder that we have everything we need to make our dreams happen. We just need to become aware and prepare ourselves for it.

Another from “Acres of Diamonds”: “A rut, we’re reminded, is nothing more than a grave with the ends kicked out.”


“What the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”

“Be choosy what you set your heart upon. For if you want it badly enough, you’ll get it!”

“Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal”

“You will become what you think about”


A Classic Forever

It is fortunate that this wonderful classic is still available today in modern media formats. If you like the old-fashioned cassette tapes, you might even find a nice second hand Earl Nightingale cassette set on places like eBay or Amazon.

Sometimes, all it takes are a few inspirational words to get us started on a lifelong journey to success.

I hope you enjoyed my sharing with you an old favorite of mine! What are your favorite inspirational self-help recordings? What was your first one? Your thoughts, memories and comments are welcome.



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2 thoughts on “Tribute To Lead The Field By Earl Nightingale”

  1. Ah good old Earl hey? There has barely been a month go by where I don’t here someone quote him. His stories are so eloquent and full of gold and single pointed. I can see why you got hooked on them.

    One of my early inspirations in the self improvement game was Tony Robbins. I bought his CD set of Unleash The Power Within. I loved it. I would sit and write out all his exercises and get all inspired. I just had a hard time sticking to it all though! I think the reason for that was I was probably looking for a female role model on some level, and today my main inspiration is Esther Hicks (Abraham). There is hardly a day that goes by now when don’t listen to her at some stage.

    • Hi Liz, thanks for chiming in and sharing your inspirations. I am a big fan of Tony Robbins, too. I’ve read Bandler and Grinder’s works on NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and I admire how Tony has brought NLP out into the mainstream.

      Best to you!


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