Beards have gained popularity as of lately. I speak for myself as the proud owner of a 9 year old, 3 feet long beard. I have been growing mine long before the “trend” picked up. So, naturally I thought a beard/income related post here was an order.
Yes, there is money in beards! Beard oil and beard grooming accessories have become an active niche. Many beard care products can be promoted through affiliate programs. Creative folks have concocted a vast array of balms, oils, wooden beard combs and other accessories. These can be promoted and sold on sites like Etsy or eBay.
Beard Care Products
A search on Etsy, or perusing the folding tables at a beard and moustache competition, or online at places like Dollar Beard Club, you’ll see them – beard care products! With the popularity of beards and moustaches comes a plethora of beard care products and accessories.
Modeling And Acting
I have many bearded friends on Facebook who are models, occasionally or full time. There has been a growing interest in male models who have big beards. I know of one fellow who is a full time actor with his long hair and beard. He tells me that men with both long hair and a long beard are in high demand as actors.
It is not uncommon for staff at craft beer breweries to sport bushy long beards. I have many heavily bearded friends who work at local breweries here. The beards contribute to brand recognition.
It is not uncommon for beard competitions to be held at breweries!
I even know of people who are selling advertising space on their beards! I’ve seen beards painted in baseball or football team colors at sports events. I’ve also seen beards flying company logos. I know of one fellow in Cincinnati, Ohio earning a full time income doing things like this.
As you might have noticed, there have been a few main stream television commercials that feature beards.
Beard and moustache competitions have become more common. They can be anything from a small impromptu gathering at a nightclub to a big event that draws thousands at a convention center that is planned months in advance.
Where there are crowds with common interest, there are opportunities to monetize! These are great chances to network with people, build lists and contacts the old fashioned way – offline!
If you have an online business in the beard or hair care niche, or a brick and mortar one, or both, these competitions are a great way to make yourself known. It is another of many free ways to attract traffic to your website.
Other Ways
Just having an attention getting beard is a conversation starter in itself. Presto! You have time with somebody to talk with and share ideas. Maybe even a potential connection to something very lucrative. Maybe just make a great friend.
A beard is a great networking tool. I consider my beard sort of like a business card. People are more likely to remember an encounter with a big bearded individual. It happens to me all of the time! People walk up to me and tell me they remember seeing or meeting at some place or time.
Beard growing can also be a great fund-raiser for charities. The annual “No Shave November” is an obvious example. There are many beard and moustache competitions that donate the proceeds raised to various organizations.
This is just a small example of the many ways a beard can become a part of your brand, and even earn a little income as a profitable niche!
One other thing I’ve noticed is that a lot of these people are entrepreneurs. They are their own boss. They’ve carved out a niche for themselves. So, are you stuck in a job you hate? One that forces you to shave, and wear a collar and leash (aka: a tie)?
Well, let’s take a look a way out of that rat race! I have been learning a whole bunch of awesome ways to build out my business online through a wonderful training community called Wealthy Affiliate. I was sick and tired of the scams and the get rich quick crap out there. I needed to find a way to build a real business online and do it right. These folks have their (you know what!) together. You have your own awesome niche to build upon!
Check out Wealthy Affiliate!
I hope you’ve enjoyed! Please feel free to comment or ask questions!
Really great content great read thanx Oren you have helped me in my inquiries a lot . I’m gonna see where growing this sweet beard takes me no more clean shaves or trims just to abide by “not cool “ rules .. I’ll check back in with my channel updates gonna start today 04/10/21 stay tuned..superdadricdogg in Ky.
Hey there! Thanks for the compliment. Time and patience are your best friends when growing out a beard. I hope some the articles here in IDoPassive income will help you progress to a point you do not have to abide by “not cool” rules
Best to you on your bearding journey!
– Oren
I do passive income as well lol. First thing I thought of when I dropped by on your site was James Harden because of the bear. I can grow a beard myself but never that long. How long have you had to grow your beard & make it like that. Thats awesome!
Hi Lorenz, this beard has been growing for almost 9 years without any trimming. I keep it in a braid most of the time to protect it from wear and tear. It is exciting to see how beards have evolved into a niche business in that period of time.
Thanks for your comment! Cheers and best, Oren
Many excellent points here, Oren!
Gordon, thanks for the comment! The bearded community has grown into an ecosystem with an economy of it’s own.
Cheers, and whiskers united, Oren!