Learn Pay Per Click Marketing – Without Losing Your Shirt!

Learn Pay Per Click Marketing - Without Losing Your Shirt!

In this article, I’d like to show you how to learn pay per click marketing and avoid common mistakes so many newcomers make. PPC can be very costly, like a bad day at the casino, if you’re not careful! Pay Per Click (PPC) is basically paying to advertise or promote your offer or content on search … Read more

How To Get More Traffic To Your Website For Free

How To Get More Traffic To My Blog

We all know how vital visitor traffic is for our businesses – online or offline. Here are some realistic ways to get free traffic to your website or blog. First a caveat: You’ve probably searched on the subject and have seen all of these “get free traffic” ads where you simply submit your website address … Read more

Common SEO Mistakes And How To Avoid Them

Search Engine Optimization Tips

Woo-hoo! I created a new blog and want to get my site on search engines! Wait!! Hold your horses! It’s 2016 now and big changes have been made to the rules and algorithms search engines use to index and rank pages in search results. Many “little tricks” that may have worked in the past for improving your … Read more

Quality Content Is King

Quality Content Is King

Greetings fellow Earth Creatures! What kinds of websites do you find yourself returning to again and again? I’ll bet they are rich in ever-changing, fresh content! Writing quality content for your website is an essential skill. Content is the “meat” on the skeleton of your website or blog. It is your message to your visitors of what you … Read more